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  • ovalhub's avatar
    - added support for ICU 68.1 · 72dadf17
    ovalhub authored
      - added wrappers for DateIntervalFormat.get/setContext()
      - added wrapper for LocaleMatcher.isMatch()
      - added wrapper for LocaleMatcherBuilder.setDirection()
      - added wrappers LocaleMatcherBuilder.setMaxDistance(), setNoDefaultLocale()
      - added wrappers for MeasureUnit.getComplexity() and UMeasureUnitComplexity
      - added wrapper for MeasureUnit.getIdentifier()
      - switched MeasureUnit.__str__() to use MeasureUnit::getIdentifier()  
      - added wrappers for new MeasureUnit static factory methods
      - added wrapper for FormattedNumber.getOutputUnit()
      - added wrapper for FormattedNumberRange.getDecimalNumbers()
      - added wrappers for|Range)
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